h/t @takestoolong2
So my post title is a cliche to many people. But it isn't to Houston. That was the very first word uttered on the ground from the Moon to the Earth. (fact!) and "Nuns On The Bus" (read: Soros Network Lobby) are protesting Senator Ted Cruz at his Houston office apparently because he abides by the Constitution - Protecting our borders - in terms of Immigration.
This Action is for TOMORROW!!
At Senator Ted Cruz's office
10:00 AM
Here's who will be there:
Copy and Paste this and help spread the word, please!
"Nuns On The Bus" are directly linked with George Soros and his "Open Society" network. They work for Network Lobby - "A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby". All fall under the "Combined Federal Campaign." Make no mistake. This is all Progressivism.