Calvin Coolidge is one of the most overlooked presidents in America's history. Coolidge was thrifty, conservative, and had great zeal for "old-fashioned virtues". His policies while governing were largely responsible for what history calls "the Roaring Twenties." On Memorial Day in 1923, while still Vice President under Warren Harding, Coolidge spoke about our Puritan forefathers. Within three months upon the death of Harding, Coolidge became President. The Memorial Day speech is spactacular reading. Read the entire speech here. A portion of the speech follows:
"If there be a destiny, it is of no avail to us unless we work with it. The ways of Providence will be of no advantage to us unless we proceed in the same direction. If we perceive a destiny in America, if we believe that Providence has been our guide, our own success, our own salvation requires that we should act and serve in harmony and obedience.
"Throughout all the centuries this land remained unknown to civilization. Just at a time when Christianity was at last firmly established, when there was a general advance in learning, when there was a great spiritual awakening, America began to be revealed to the European world. When this new age began, with its new aspirations and its new needs, its new hopes, and its new desires, the shores of our country rose through the mist, disclosing a new hemisphere in which, untrammeled by Old World conventions, new ideals might establish for mankind a new experience and a new life.
"Settlers came here from mixed motives, some for pillage and adventure, some for trade and refuge, but those who have set their imperishable mark upon our institutions came from far higher motives.
"Generally defined, they were seeking a broader freedom. They were intent upon establishing a Christian commonwealth in accordance to the principle of self-government.
"They were an inspired body of men. They had a genius for organized society on the foundations of piety, righteousness, liberty, and obedience of the law. wherever it contributed to the civilizing power of these great agencies. But the class and caste, the immaterial formalism of the Old World, they left behind. They let slip their grasp upon conventionalities that they might lay a firmer hold upon realities. . .
"They brought with them the accumulated wisdom and experience of the ages. Such is America, such is the government and civilization which have grown up around the church, the town meeting, and the schoolhouse. It is not perfect, but it surpasses the accomplishments of any other people. Such is the state of society which has been created in this country, which has brought it from the untrodden wilderness of 300 years ago to its present state of development. Who can fail to see in it the hand of destiny? Who can doubt that it has been guided by a Divine Providence?"Patriot's Prayer: Lord, let me not forget where You have brought us from and where we would be if not for Your mercy. For sometimes we seem to forget; so please remind us, Dear Lord. We are blessed.
Patriot's Promise: Therefore be careful to observe them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people." ~ Deuteronomy 4:6
NOTE: All source material(unless
otherwise noted)from God's Promises for the American
Patriot by Dr. Richard D Lee & Jack
Countryman; In God We Still Trust by Dr. Richard D Lee; and The American Patriot's Bible: The
Word of God and the Shaping of America(NKJV) by Richard G Lee
(general editor).