20 October 2012

Forty Days to November:
Day 24 - A Tangible Illustration

Benjamin F. Butler
Benjamin Franklin Butler (1795-1858), a lawyer, a legislator for New York's state assembly, and in 1838 was appointed by President Andrew Jackson to be the 12th U.S. Attorney General. Butler was instrumental in founding New York University in 1831, and he also served as U.S. Secretary of War. In address at Alexandria, D.C., in 1834, he stated:
"He is truly happy, whatever may be his temporal condition, who can call God as his Father in the full assurance of faith and hope.  And amid all his trials, conflicts, and doubts, the feeblest Christian is still comparatively happy; because cheered by hope that the hour is coming when he shall be delivered from this 'body of sin and death' and in the vision of his Redeemer and felicity of angels.
Not only does the Bible inculcate, with sactions of the highest import, a system of the purest morality, but in the person and charachter of our Blessed Savior it exhibits a tangible illustration of that system.
In Him we have set before us--what, till the publication of the Gospel, the world had never seen--a model of feeling and action adapted to all times, places, and circumstances; and combining so much wisdom, benevolence, and holiness, that none can fathom its sublimity; and yet, presented in a form so simple, that even a child may be made to understand, and taught to love it."

Benjamin Franklin Butler
 is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in The Bronx

Patriot's Prayer: Lord, let me be a light to people lost in darkness. Let me be one who can share your love in such a way that "even a child may be made to understand," and that they be taught to love You as I do.

Patriot's Promise: Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! ~1 John 3:1

NOTE: All source material(unless otherwise noted)from God's Promises for the American Patriot by Dr. Richard D Lee & Jack Countryman; In God We Still Trust by Dr. Richard D Lee; and The American Patriot's Bible: The Word of God and the Shaping of America(NKJV) by Richard G Lee (general editor).

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