15 September 2010

Making the Bigs! Almost...

This is interesting.  I went to check on some news today, and one of my many reliable sources is Brietbart.com and the Bigs sites that go with it.  And this was the front story at the time!

And, here is my blog post from September 10th:

Coincidence? Oh, I don't know.  I'm certainly not going to think of it any way otherwise, as the comment I left for writer Brad Shaeffer indicates:

Coincidentally, it actually has been a goal of mine to be a contributor to The Bigs.  Maybe this is a way in? We'll see.

In the meantime, go visit the story over on Big Hollywood and click on the little thumbs up for me to let them know that The Conservative Mom has fans too.

1 comment:

  1. Thumbs up @Big & I'll be watching the sites for;

    by LoriGirl


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