09 August 2009

What a Real Town Hall Feels Like

Real information by real people with no spin - feels positively refreshing!

The Saturday, August 8th Town Hall on Health Care presented by the Houston Tea Party Society provided essential information and resources for all voters interested in the legislative issue at hand.

People by instinct know and feel by gut when the truth is being presented and when it is being covered up. (Check out this review of a recent local town hall meeting from Lone Star Times!) In my opinion, all of the guests at this event told what needed to be told, all from their unique and genuine perspectives. This is so valuable and vital to contributing to the current debate about the government-run health care initiative before us. I can say with confidence that a great number of Texans know that the federal government's main stream media-driven propaganda and the pushover-politicians’ rhetoric on health care "reform" does not offer the same level of honesty that was presented at this event.

Texans are waking up to the giant, over-growing federal government’s unconstitutional encroachment on the freedom-loving citizens of Texas. The Federal Health Care initiative will hurt Texas, and it will be especially harmful to the Houston area. Read The Texas Public Policy Foundation's report prepared for and co-authored by Dr. Art Laffer, which states that this "reform" will cost Texans an additional $4,500 in taxes annually.

The Houston Tea Party Society is to be commended for its part in this awakening. As described by one guest speaker at this event, we are at a “tipping point” in this country - we have the Houston Tea Party folks to thank in helping us all tip toward the right direction.


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