Can what's happening worldwide really be this simple?
Food shortages + huge unemployment + over-bearing government + underlying agitators (eg, radical groups, economic destruction, complicit media) = violent protests by unhappy people.
Let's look at America for a moment:
- Dear Leader wants and Internet Kill Switch, with legislation brought to us by none other than flimsy "Independent" Joseph Lieberman (I-CT).
- Dear Lady wants us to eat better at home, at school, in the car, whatever, by removing "unhealthy" food from store shelves.
- Unemployment is currently at 9.1% (December 2010). Which means unemployment is really hovering around 22%.
- Pick your "underlying agitator": Van Jones; Organizing for America (your tax $ at work); AFL-CIO; "The Reverend" Al Sharpton's National Action Network; George Soros and the Open Society Institute; The Tides Foundation; MOST of POTUS's advisers (more tax $!); the horrific National Debt and our Federal Government's Unfunded Liabilities; the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, one of which appears to be very sour; just to name a few-all with the same axiomatic theme of having a collective mindset.
What makes America different from the rest of the world? These are semi-rhetorical questions, but the formula above certain looks like there is a contrived effort to actually finish-off The Republic of the United States of America as we know it. The delimma is, do enough Americans believe that we want to remain exceptional? That we are a nation of laws, not of men, and that we fundamentally believe that as individuals directly connected to our Creator, we can and do rule ourselves?
I am not a collectivist. Really, I'd rather be knitting right now.
Can it happen here? |
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